What are your certifications?

Refer to the About Us Page for more information on our experience and certifications.

What is HUAs schedule?

We are available year round and during school breaks. During the summer, HUA offers outdoor swim lessons, coaching & training. For the remainder of the year, HUA is available for indoor lessons, coaching, and training.

How do I get my children out of floaties?

Throw out the floaties! Get your child swim lessons and practice with your child every time they get in the water. A false sense of the water is a dangerous one.

At what age does HUA start teaching swim lessons?

6 months old.

Where can I find references?

Please check out our reviews on Google. We are happy to provide additional references at your request.

What makes HUA different?

We are a family run business. We are passionate about helping everyone learn to swim and love of the water. We teach year round, not only during the summer. And above all, safety is our key priority. We are highly experienced, yet always bring a playful and fun attitude to everything we do.

What schedule and cadence is recommended for a 2-4 year old for swim lessons?

2-3x/week for 30 minutes.

What kind of coaching does HUA offer?

All competitive swimmers. Swim team, high school varsity, learn to swim, triathletes, open water swimmers, adult fitness.